Scientific Paper Published with Aarhus University


April 2023

We got a scientific paper published together with Aarhus University!

Earlier this year, our colleague Carlos Corchado Miralles did a research project with Aarhus University to test the ability to detect plant stress (water & nitrogen deficiency) through a multispectral camera. In short, the test showed a statistically significant correlation between stress detected by the camera and the actual plant stress measures with physical equipment.

Improving the monitoring abilities of plant health has an enormous impact on the viability of indoor farming. Early warnings and prevention of plant stress can reduce unnecessary yield loss. In addition, proactive recommendations based on smarter plant monitoring can improve yields through targeted and timely interventions.

Through our ecosystem of partnership, we collaborate with several companies that already today push the boundaries of plant monitoring. In addition, we continue to collaborate with research organizations such as Aarhus University to create new insights and push the boundaries of indoor farming.

At Seasony, we are proud to support indoor farming to become more profitable, scalable, and sustainable.

Read the paper here